Wizard101: New Skeleton Key Boss Guide (Omen Stribog, Ra, Ixcax Cursedwing) (2024)

March 21, 2016Guides,Test Realm,Wizard101

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Wizard101: New Skeleton Key Boss Guide (Omen Stribog, Ra, Ixcax Cursedwing) (1)

The Wizard101 Test Realm is live again, and it includes some epic drops from three new Skeleton Key bosses - Omen Stribog, Ra, and Ixcac Cursedwing. Let's take a look at their cheats and the items they have to offer!

All Skeleton Key Bosses:

  • Aphrodite Two
  • Bellosh
  • Billy the Cutter
  • Bunferatu
  • Captain Hockins
  • In'Zhizor
  • Ixcax Cursedwing
  • Lambent Fire
  • Omen Stribog
  • Ra
  • Sapoti
  • Simon the Sayer
  • Takanobu
  • Temple Phantom
  • Verboten Mimic
  • Skeleton Key Rooms
In This Guide: Ixcax Cursedwing | Omen Stribog | Ra

New Locations, New Bosses, New Drops

It isn't just the new sigils from the last Skeleton Key Boss update they are using again for these new ones - it's also the drop structure. Instead of potentially grabbing a bunch of various items from a boss, you almost certainly get something useful each and every time. That's the beauty of it.

Because of this, many people have reported obtaining the major drops - and there are a lot of major drops. There is a new set of wings available from Omen, as well as a unique set of gear. Each boss also has gear with new stats, and there are reportedly some athames, rings, mastery amulets, and decks that are comparable to or better than the drops in Polaris, which promising for those not wanting to farm Rasputin.

Wizard101: New Skeleton Key Boss Guide (Omen Stribog, Ra, Ixcax Cursedwing) (2)

Not only do you have a chance at new gear, but the bosses, Omen in particular, seems to be dropping new ice-themed furniture. Plus, if you don't get the new mounts or furniture or gear, there's still a lot to be had. Many pack mounts are being dropped such as the Winterglide Skates and some Crown Shop mounts like the White Stag. These bosses are definitely worth stopping by.

Prerequisite Reading

In order to make the best use of this guide, make sure you've read the original, which talks more in-depth about keys,HERE.

Wizard101: New Skeleton Key Boss Guide (Omen Stribog, Ra, Ixcax Cursedwing) (3)

Ra - The Oasis Library, Krokotopia

Exact Location:In the basem*nt of the library in the Oasis, as pictured on the map
This room requires a

Wooden Key

. This is a

boss room


Access to this room does not require any any battles. Enter the sigil with the people you want to go with, then use a key to enter the boss room. The sigil ensures that no one you don't want uses up your key spot.

Wizard101: New Skeleton Key Boss Guide (Omen Stribog, Ra, Ixcax Cursedwing) (4)

Wizard101: New Skeleton Key Boss Guide (Omen Stribog, Ra, Ixcax Cursedwing) (5)

Wizard101: New Skeleton Key Boss Guide (Omen Stribog, Ra, Ixcax Cursedwing) (6)

Wizard101: New Skeleton Key Boss Guide (Omen Stribog, Ra, Ixcax Cursedwing) (7)

Ra, Balance, 3750 health;Sia thePerceiver, Life, 1150 health; Hu the Commander, Fire, 1000 health; Heka the Haruspect

Boss Cheats


  • Let us accelerate this contest! At the start of the battle, Ra will interrupt to cast Power Play.
  • No no, we play by my rules. If you attempt to replace Power Play with another bubble, Ra will interrupt and replace it.
  • Let's balance things out! At the end of turn 4, Ra will interrupt to cast Amplify on all characters. When Amplify expires, he will interrupt to cast Fortify on all characters. He will then alternate between the two for the remainder of the battle.
  • Accuracy is such a fickle thing! This boss will occasionally use his turn to cast Guidance or Smokescreen on either all enemies or all friends.

Basic Strategy:

  • Use blades and traps as normal to power up an AoE to kill the entire enemy team. If you find that the accuracy cheats are affecting your ability too much, use accuracy-enhancing spells, or purchase Keen Eyes treasure cards for 50 gold upstairs in the Krokotopia Library.
Potential Rewards


Gold: 393-689

Pet Snacks: Locust Kabob, Boiled Peanuts, Atomic Fireball

Furniture:Wooden Skeleton Key, Prince Suten Sokkwi, Krok Bird Obelisk, Blue Urn, Ice Mummy, Krokotopian Sphinx, Adept's Socket Wrench, Storm Mummy, Prince Manu Nirini Statue, Helephant Ears, Ra's Speculation Wand, Krokotopian Bed Table, Novice's Socket Wrench, Purple Urn, Stone Skeleton Key, Tapestry to the Oasis, Krok Tree Obelisk, Prince Meti Karanahn, Tapestry to School of Balance

Reagents: Pyrite, Mote of Eternity, Parchment, Nickel, Cobalt, Mote of Beauty, Aether

Treasure Cards: ?
Mounts: Mander Palanquin, Crokagator

Gear:Ra's Zenith Headdress, Thunderous Karanahn Veil, Ra's Zenith Footwraps, Ra's Zenith Raiment, Ra's Speculation Cowl, Ra's Zenith Scepter, Ra's Speculation Wand, Ra's Firebrand Cowl, Ra's Firebrand Footwraps
Pets:Fire Salamander, Ice Salamander

Most Notable Drop(s):

Wizard101: New Skeleton Key Boss Guide (Omen Stribog, Ra, Ixcax Cursedwing) (8)

Wizard101: New Skeleton Key Boss Guide (Omen Stribog, Ra, Ixcax Cursedwing) (9)Ixcax Cursedwing - Black Sun Pyramid, Azteca

Exact Location:Last chamber in the Black Sun Pyramid, as pictured on the map

This room requires a

Stone Key

. This is a

boss room


Access to this room requires battling two sets of mobs and Belloq on the bottom level of the pyramid. None of these battles can be skipped and to repeat the key boss, you must exit and re-enter to try again. You are able to get around Belloq if one person activates the pull (enters the battle) and then flees and walks around with the rest of your team.

Wizard101: New Skeleton Key Boss Guide (Omen Stribog, Ra, Ixcax Cursedwing) (10)

Wizard101: New Skeleton Key Boss Guide (Omen Stribog, Ra, Ixcax Cursedwing) (11)

Wizard101: New Skeleton Key Boss Guide (Omen Stribog, Ra, Ixcax Cursedwing) (12)

Wizard101: New Skeleton Key Boss Guide (Omen Stribog, Ra, Ixcax Cursedwing) (13)

Ixcax Cursedwing, Storm, 24000 health;Tzeltan Cohort, Death, 6200 health

Boss Cheats


  • Time to mix things up! At the end of every 5th round, the boss will interrupt to remove all traps on herself and cast a prism that will convert any damage to a specific school on all enemies. The school varies each time she casts the trap.
  • Vengeance will be mine!If the minions die before the boss, she will interrupt to cast an aura.
  • Death had no hold on me! If any of her death minions cast a Deathblade on her, she will interrupt to remove it and cast Virulent Plague.
  • Two can play that game! Whenever a feint is cast on the boss, she will interrupt to cast one on the caster. This means that the 30% and not the 70% will activate when she is hit. If you are using a feint that stacks, like an item, pet, TC, or potent feint, she will still use a regular feint and you can hit with both parts.
  • The boss enjoys using Storm Crow, which places an 80% storm shield on her.

General Minion Cheats


  • If the boss dies before the minions are defeated, they will interrupt to cast Fortify.
  • The minions enjoy casting Dark Crow, which will Beguile your team members.

Basic Strategy:

  • Cast blades and traps as you normally would, but omit regular feints. Instead, use potent feints, pet feints, item feints, and TC feints. Be mindful of Beguiles and be careful not to AoE a team member to death. You may find that it is safer to kill the minions first with an AoE and then to go for the boss to both avoid Virulent Plague and the Beguiles from Dark Crow.
Potential Rewards


Gold: 4352-7875

Pet Snacks: ?

Furniture: StoneSkeleton Key, Azteca Swamp Theme, King Acampi Bobblehead, Aztecan Bath Sink, Purple Lily

Reagents: Silver

Treasure Cards: Polymorph Ptera, Polymorph Icehorn, Rain Beetle
Mounts: ?

Gear:Lost World Cursed Vestment, Lost World Cloud Mail, Lost World Survivor Spear, Turquoise Eagle's Sky Tracks, Lost World Survivor Mail
Pets: ?

Most Notable Drop(s):

Wizard101: New Skeleton Key Boss Guide (Omen Stribog, Ra, Ixcax Cursedwing) (14)

Wizard101: New Skeleton Key Boss Guide (Omen Stribog, Ra, Ixcax Cursedwing) (15)Omen Stribog - River of Frozen Tears, Polaris

Exact Location:Cave on the upper part of the River of Frozen Tears, in Polaris

This room requires a

Golden Key

. This is a

boss room


Access to this room does not require any any battles. Enter the sigil with the people you want to go with, then use a key to enter the boss room. The sigil ensures that no one you don't want uses up your key spot.

Wizard101: New Skeleton Key Boss Guide (Omen Stribog, Ra, Ixcax Cursedwing) (16)

Wizard101: New Skeleton Key Boss Guide (Omen Stribog, Ra, Ixcax Cursedwing) (17)

Wizard101: New Skeleton Key Boss Guide (Omen Stribog, Ra, Ixcax Cursedwing) (18)

Wizard101: New Skeleton Key Boss Guide (Omen Stribog, Ra, Ixcax Cursedwing) (19)

Omen Stribog, Shadow, 40000 health; Dark Seraph, Shadow, 25000 health; Dark Fiend, Shadow, 18000 health; Dark Sentinel, Shadow, 99999 health

Omen Stribog Cheats


  • We are not so easily fooled!Whenever a feint is cast, Omen will remove it.
  • Tardiness will not be tolerated! If any member of the group joins the battle late or flees and returns, Omen will interrupt at the start of the round and cast Mana Burn on them.
  • You are darkened by shadow as well? If you cast a shadow spell that has backlash (not including shadow-enhanced spells like Glowbug Squall), Omen will add 40 backlash to your spell.
Dark Seraph Cheats


  • Whenever the Dark Seraph heals, an absorb will be placed on all enemies.
  • The Seraph can use healing spells like Regenerate and Rebirth.
Dark Fiend Cheats


  • The Dark Fiend will cast larger versions of standard blades (such as an improved Balanceblade at X% per pip).
  • The fiend enjoys using Judgement with a large number of pips, as well as Mana Burn.
Dark Sentinel Cheats


  • At the beginning of the battle, the sentinel will cast himself in spell form.
  • The Dark Sentinel will absorb 75% of all damage dealt to any other enemy.
  • Your parlor tricks are to no avail!Any time a blade is cast, the sentinel will cast Enfeeble on the recipient.
  • The sentinel will frequently cast Steal Ward.
  • The sentinel will frequently cast Snow Drift.
  • The sentinel has heavy resistance and can cast Fortify, Tower Shield, and Legion Shield.

Basic Strategy:

  • Stack traps to defeat the Sentinel using whatever means necessary. Determine an attacker (your hammer) and have other members of the team purchase treasure cards to stack traps first on the sentinel only. Then, hit and hopefully kill the Sentinel. Repeat if necessary. Once the Sentinel is down, use blades to power up a second hit and kill the remaining bosses with an AoE.
Potential Rewards


Gold: 6077-10625

Pet Snacks: ?

Furniture:Gold Skeleton Key, Lydia Icicle Tower Rod, Walrusk Potted Plant, Lydia's Wintry Wash Basin, Lydia's Icy Floor, Lydia's Frozen Shelf, Pingouin Butter Churn, Lydia's Frozen Cathedra, Pingouin Settee, Artisan's Socket Wrench, Walruskburg Window

Reagents: ?

Treasure Cards: Rebirth, Stomspear, Frozen Armor, Snow Angel, Wild Bolt, Icebat, Ice Armor, Abominable Weaver, Firespear
Mounts: Winterglide Skates, Luphilim Wings, Snow Ram, White Stag, Himoolayan Yak

Gear:Luphilim's Eternal Platemail, Luphilim's Howling Pick, Seal Team Recon Fins, Luphilim's Eternal Deck, Luphilim's Legend Visor, Luphilim's Legend Boots, Seal Team Demolitions Hammer, Luphilim's Valiant Set, Luphilim's Eternal Sabatons, Seal Team Recon Helmet, Luphilim's Grim Visage, Luphilim's Rapture Deck, Luphilim's Eternal Spike, Luphilim's Eternal Helm, Luphilim's Eternal Chain, Luphilim's Valiant Band, Luphilim's Blazing Boots
Pets: Proper Penguin, Intrepid Seal Pup, Snow Beast, Polar Fox

Most Notable Drop(s):

Wizard101: New Skeleton Key Boss Guide (Omen Stribog, Ra, Ixcax Cursedwing) (20)

Wizard101: New Skeleton Key Boss Guide (Omen Stribog, Ra, Ixcax Cursedwing) (21)

Check out other Omen drops in this guide - Omen Stribog Drop Guide: Decks

Hope you learned something! Thanks for reading and see you in the Spiral!Huge thanks to the following individuals for contributions: Jaded Gaze, Toxen Reignz, DarkFire054, Ryan, and Le Boss

Wizard101: New Skeleton Key Boss Guide (Omen Stribog, Ra, Ixcax Cursedwing) (2024)


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