How to cancel your Netflix subscription on any device (2024)

  • You can cancel your Netflix subscription at any time, but the process depends on how you subscribed.
  • If you signed up directly through the Netflix website, you can also cancel using the website.
  • But if you signed up through your Apple ID or Google account, you need to cancel using your phone.


Some apps make it difficult to cancel your account, in the hopes that people will get so frustrated with the process that they end up keeping their subscription. Luckily, Netflix isn't one of these apps.

It should only take a few minutes to cancel any Netflix account. The only hiccup is that you'll have to remember how you signed up for Netflix in the first place.

Here's how to cancel Netflix in three ways, depending on how you made your account. If you're not sure which one applies to you, try them out in order.


How to cancel your Netflix subscription if you signed up directly

If you created your Netflix account through the website or a smart TV, this is probably the method you'll want to use.

1. Open any web browser and head to the Netflix website. Log into your account if you haven't already.

2. Click the downward-pointing arrow in the top-right corner of the page and then click Account.

3. Near the top of the page, under Membership and Billing, click Cancel Membership and confirm your decision to cancel.

How to cancel your Netflix subscription on any device (2)

4. If you still have a DVD plan, click Cancel your DVD plan and confirm that you want to end it too.

If you don't see the option to cancel your account here, it means that you signed up for Netflix through a third-party. You should see some information that tells you who's running your Netflix account.


How to cancel your Netflix subscription on an iPhone or iPad

If you signed up for Netflix through the iPhone or iPad app, it probably means that your Netflix account is linked to your Apple ID. In this case, you'll need to cancel through the Apple ID menu.

1. Open the Settings app on your iPhone or iPad and tap your name at the top of the page.

2. In the Apple ID menu that opens, tap Subscriptions.

How to cancel your Netflix subscription on any device (3)

3. Select Netflix from the list that appears, and then select Cancel Subscription. Confirm your choice.


How to cancel your Netflix subscription on an Android

Similarly, if you signed up for Netflix through the Android app, it's likely linked to your Google account. This means that you'll need to cancel through your Android's Play Store app.

1. Open the Play Store app on your Android and tap your profile icon in the top-right corner.

2. In the menu that opens, tap Payments & subscriptions, and then Subscriptions.

How to cancel your Netflix subscription on any device (4)

3. Select Netflix from your list of subscriptions, then select the Cancel Subscription option. Confirm your choice.


How to cancel a hacked Netflix account

If you think someone hacked into your Netflix account, it is a good idea to do some sleuthing before canceling it entirely.

On your Account page, navigate to the Security & Privacy section. From there, click on Manage access and devices.

How to cancel your Netflix subscription on any device (5)

If you notice a suspicious browsing location, immediately change your password and sign out of all devices.

If it's too late and the account's email address already belongs to the hacker, you will have to call Netflix directly to report it and cancel your account.

Dave Johnson

Freelance Writer

Dave Johnson is a technology journalist who writes about consumer tech and how the industry is transforming the speculative world of science fiction into modern-day real life. Dave grew up in New Jersey before entering the Air Force to operate satellites, teach space operations, and do space launch planning. He then spent eight years as a content lead on the Windows team at Microsoft. As a photographer, Dave has photographed wolves in their natural environment; he's also a scuba instructor and co-host of several podcasts. Dave is the author of more than two dozen books and has contributed to many sites and publications including CNET, Forbes, PC World, How To Geek, and Insider.

William Antonelli

Tech Reporter for Insider Reviews

William Antonelli (he/she/they) is a writer, editor, and organizer based in New York City. As a founding member of the Reference team, he helped grow Tech Reference (now part of Insider Reviews) from humble beginnings into a juggernaut that attracts over 20 million visits a month. Outside of Insider, his writing has appeared in publications like Polygon, The Outline, Kotaku, and more. He's also a go-to source for tech analysis on channels like Newsy, Cheddar, and NewsNation. You can find him on Twitter @DubsRewatcher, or reach him by email at

How to cancel your Netflix subscription on any device (2024)


How to cancel your Netflix subscription on any device? ›

Go to Select Finish Cancellation. Your account will close at the end of your current billing cycle, and you won't be charged again.

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If you have access to the account
  1. Click the Cancel Membership link on the Account page.
  2. Refer to How do I cancel Netflix? for more details on canceling an account.
  3. If you like, Sign out of all devices connected to the account.

How do I deactivate my Netflix subscription? ›

Go to Select Finish Cancellation. Your account will close at the end of your current billing cycle, and you won't be charged again.

How do I stop automatic payments in Netflix? ›

To remove a payment method from your account, go to the Manage payment info page and Delete the payment method you want to remove. You may need to sign in if you haven't already. If you only have one payment method on file, you can't remove it without adding a new payment method first.

Can you cancel Netflix through the app? ›

How to cancel your Netflix subscription on an Android. Similarly, if you signed up for Netflix through the Android app, it's likely linked to your Google account. This means that you'll need to cancel through your Android's Play Store app.

Can I kick someone out of my Netflix account? ›

Netflix's version of kicking someone off Netflix is to sign them out of the account. You can choose to either sign out individual devices or sign out all signed in devices at the same time. To do so, head over to your My Netflix page>Account>Manage access and devices or Sign out of all devices.

How to cancel Netflix without email and password? ›

It is very easy to speak with Netflix to Cancel Netflix Subscription by Dialing there Toll-Free number which is USA/CA : +1-866-279-0987. Once you dial there number you have to select your selected option for Netflix support to cancel your Netflix subscription plan.

Why can't I cancel my Netflix subscription? ›

If you don't see an option to cancel

If you don't see the cancellation option in your account, you'll need to cancel the account with your billing company. Go to your Account page and look under the Membership & Billing or Membership section.

How do I cancel Netflix on Roku? ›

How to cancel a streaming subscription
  1. Sign in to your Roku account and go to Subscriptions.
  2. Under Active subscriptions, select the subscription you want to cancel and select Turn off auto-renew.
  3. Continue to use your subscription until the end of your current billing cycle.

How do I see my Netflix account details? ›

The Account page gives you access to information such as: Account Information - account owner information you have provided to Netflix, such as email and phone number (available under Membership & Billing or Security), as well as plan selection information (available under Plan Details or Membership).

Can I get a refund from Netflix? ›

If you are on a Netflix monthly plan, on cancellation, your subscription will run out at the end of the subscription period. Netflix does not offer any refunds. If you are an annual plan, your subscription will run out at the end of the annual period - No refunds in this case too.

Can I still watch Netflix if my account is on hold? ›

If you cancel within your current billing period, you can continue watching Netflix until your billing period ends. Then you can restart your account on the date you want to be billed on. If your account is on hold, your account is canceled immediately and you can restart it at any time.

Can we cancel Netflix plan anytime? ›

You can continue to use the features of the higher-priced plan until your next billing date. You can cancel Netflix at any time.

How will Netflix know who is in your household? ›

How Netflix detects devices within a Netflix Household. We use information such as IP addresses, device IDs, and account activity to determine whether a device signed into your account is part of your Netflix Household. We do not collect GPS data to try to determine the precise physical location of your devices.

Can I watch Netflix in two different houses? ›

A Netflix account is meant to be shared by people who live together in one household. People who are not in your household will need to sign up for their own account to watch Netflix. You can manage who uses your account by setting a Netflix Household.

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Reach out to their customer support team via live chat, email, or phone. Provide them with any relevant information you have, such as the email address associated with your Netflix account, billing details, or any other account-related information. They will assist you in canceling your subscription.


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